Abstract: In our daily life, we come across many problems caused due to traffic rule violation by some people. M-governance is a sub-domain of e-governance. Electronic services are made available to people because of m-governance, with help of mobile phones. Mobile services are cheap and easily accessible in rural areas of India as well. This project strives towards improving the traffic discipline by proposing advanced technological solutions. In this project, we are designing a system which will help the traffic police officer to penalize the vehicle driver for violation of traffic rules. The penalty will be imposed to the vehicle owner if the PUC of the vehicle has expired, if the car is standing on a zebra crossing, for illegal signal crossing, crossing the prescribed speed limit and parking the car in no parking zone. The traffic police officer will have to click a picture of the vehicle number plate and select the type of complaint. A complaint will be registered against the vehicle owner and he/she will be informed about the complaint details via SMS service. The vehicle owner will be required to pay his/her fines within a stipulated time period.

Keywords: Android Based, m-governance, ANPR, Penalty System, Traffic Police, Law Enforcement.